While walking to the store with my mother as a young boy, I caught a glimpse of something shiny out of the corner of my eye. I was filled with joy as I ran over and picked up a shiny new penny. Since that first experience, I have developed a fascination with the simple power of the penny. I cannot walk past one on the ground without picking it up, taking note of the year it was manufactured, and reminding myself to appreciate what the penny represents.

The seemingly insignificant one-cent piece is the foundation upon which our economic development is built. Even large $100 bills can be broken up into single, tiny pennies. Many look at a penny and think that it’s not worth very much, and quickly disregard what it represents – but I believe that every single penny can be added together to create dreams.

Consider the following: If given the choice, during one month would you rather be given a penny the first day and have it doubled each following day or receive $100,000 each day during the month?

Opting for the $100,000 per day, at the end of a 31-day month you would have accumulated $3.1 million dollars. If you selected to receive a penny the first day and have it doubled each day thereafter, at the end of 31 days you would have accumulated and amazing $10,737,418! That is a staggering $7,637,418 more than selecting the $100,000 a day!

Sometimes it’s the simple things that end up being the most rewarding and powerful in our lives. How often do people look at an individual and make assumptions about their value? It is so important to remember that each person is unique and special in their own right. Just like pennies, when people are put together, miracles begin to happen.

Together we are accomplishing what others have considered impossible.

Live Life;
